Tuesday, January 6, 2009

with new year comes......

Yes, belated happy new year to the few single digit readers of my blog, and even more belated merry christmas ! With new year comes lots of resolutions, and certainly i have made mine, one of which is to constantly update my blog, if i ever promise to do so, and there are lots of other promises as well, but the one that stands out for me is -"I,Varun V. shall Keep my bedroom clean ".

yes, you might think, its no big a job, but trust me when i say, keeping my room clean is tougher than rotational mechanics for me ! "KEEP YOUR ROOM CLEAN " chants by my folks have now become a ring tone for me, i have gotten so very used to it!. But, i realized that even though boy's rooms are meant to be "not-so-clean", but still, i decided "what the hell", let's just give it a shot and see what's the huge deal about it.

That's about my resolutions, but the real thing that's coming up for me is my exams, Ahh.. if only were there an apostphe for exams itself. God, so many of them i have been writing and yet to write that i have lost count of them. DEADLINE-boards and entrances.

However, I realize that , there wont be any more school which makes me sad. As much as can be talked about my school which i would refrain myself from doing so here, ill be fair and accept the fact that i will miss this school, I'll miss my friends, I'll miss the school life as such.

SO, Ya, Lots coming up this year! 2009, will be an eventful year to say the least. so Hope it goes well for me and YOU!
