Monday, September 29, 2008

Topic ... hmmm..!

this is probably the 70th time i am clicking the "new post " icon, and then go back to a facebook or orkut or start watching some sitcom's. that just goes to show that nothing that interesting worth mentioning in life is going on!Firstly because exams got over, and while exams i can't write posts, but after exams, the only the thing to write about in blog will probably be the exams., but that'll probably be as short as my physics answer sheet usually is, so i decided to give it a pass, so basically, its been dragging a lot, and after school reopens, something interesting is ought to happen, but something called marks is also to come out, so probably this might be the last post for some time to come :D So, the onus is on me to give me bare countable readers something worth looking for in this post of mine.! So ya, i was going through IMDB as usual generally reading reviews and stuff long back, and realized that there was quite a change in the positions of the top 3 movies. the triple threat between shawshank redemption, the godfather and the Dark Knight.! well acc. to me, dark knight is good, NO , it's great, but it's not the best, as good as it can get, it can't get better than Godfather.! It probably is all hyped up because of heath ledger's death.! Even though his perfomance was JAW-DROPPING, but it probably wouldnt have been looked at like that had he not passed away.! And, as an ardent fan of another "killer " movie ( as i always describe it ) is Fight Club, it probably is no. 4 for me, maybe because i haven't seen all the other movies from no. 4- 22 given on the imdb list.! but I feel Fight Club is without an aorta of doubt one of the deadliest movie's i have ever seen, perfomances by ed. norton and brad pitt were near perfect.! It potrays violence allright, but it is still that damn good.!Morale : Lots and Lots of blogs claim for the top 3 places of all time best movies, i suggest fight club come 4 :D, but seriously guys, its a must watch.!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


MY long lost tryst with destiny. Friends, Countrymen....... baahhh..!!

Hi, I am Varun V, doing my 12th at present in chennai and that's all you'll get to know about me. So all those people who think blog's are meant for people to take out their frustration, anger and their uhum uhum.. "feelings", i just got two words for you, Get lost.!.

This is a BLOG, and i have had blogs before, i still have more blogs but i must confess at the outset that i don't blog that often, but i know for one thing that i blog for fun, and so should others.! It's not a factual description about my day to day schedule , i am not going be telling you that my grandfather's neighbour's dog got unwell, and i took him to the hospital NO. Its' here where i feel blogs should be used for its rightful purpose! mentioning about people whom u can as well talk to is LAME.period.I however contradict myself as, One of the reasons why i write this post is obviously to get back to blogging, pardon me if i bore you, but be lucky that i ain't boring you with stories which are as good as any daily soap's which comes in Star tv, :D anyway, ya , another reason i write this blog, is to clarify BLOGGING! Personally speaking, i hate the blogs of people who go about brooding rather than doing something about it.! So, please Cut me some slack.!

p.s.- if any of the above words were meant to be rude, i meant each and every word of it.!