Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Description # 1

I would like to start this chain of HARDCORE joblessness with a description of

S.Sriraghavan- Thalai

I met him first in 8th standard, barely knew him then, he was one really sick fellow, who used to fall ill as often as ever. Poor thing. but then his health got better. I even went to his house once, though wasn't close to him then and all.

10th, things got better. he moved to r.a. puram. close to varun's house.. Varun- my benchmate for like 3 years on a trot. He's probably one of the reasons i got to know ravi better.

Ravi-is Now one of my best buds. without a doubt

We got to know each other much better off in 11th and 12th. He became my bench mate in these two years. actually it was him and krishna, we interchanged . but ya

Sriraghavan comes across as an introvert, jovial and cordial guy. But there's more to that . He's a guy who easily gets influenced by others, But, he's stubborn in a good way. If the guy decides that he's going to do something, he WILL. period.

I enjoyed by time in school partly due to this guy. the time's we had our debates of saurav ganguly vs. sachin. ( it'll be us two, vs. the rest of the class itselsf, and yet we would win ;) .
But ya, i write this just to tell that, if we don't end up in this college. Ill miss him allright.
Friends like him are not that easily found. and when you do get a friend like that, you must hold on to that friendship for a long time :)

Here's to Ravi.
My brother :)

love you man- you mean a lot to me :)

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