Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Description # 3

So, i am finally getting into this. For starters, I normally write 2 posts at a time, and then ditch it, but not this time :)
So ya, One more this time. This one is like one of my oldest buddies in P.S. and incidentally the first ever person whom i spoke to this school .
It went something like this, he said " Hi varun , i'm varun "

Yes, i am talking about Kaay Varoon.

The guy's a genius. Trust me. Looks are decieving, this guy is one major k.d. bugger . He's a true friend. my partner in crime .My bench mate for 3 freaking continous years, and i enjoyed each and every bit of it. The leg fights, kicking, punching, the stop watch timing, the tearing shirts, and HELL we even broke a school board together :). I will most definately miss those times. He is a special friend . a friend whose awesome at everything. Guy's pretty knowledgably abuot cricket! must say.
But To top it all, he's a very nice person at heart :)
A friend ill treasure for the rest of my life
Love you varun ( i'm not that narccistic, i meant him not me :D )