Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Description #2

Yes, i seem to be in flow, and the person about whom i shall talk about now,i would need to be at my best flow to match his persona :)

yes, the spl of our school
S. krishna

known him from 9th, but didn't know him well then. He then came across as a big time peter, with quite the attitude. The attitude i like. But then again, we didn't talk THAT much.But ya, the normal " hey, chelsea sucks, manu rocks and stuff ". My opinion about him has still not changed.
he's still a peter, he's still got that attitude which i envy, and i still say " chelsea sucks, man utd. rocks." :D

But ya, in those stupids fights, i realized i have a true friend. a Guy whom i've shared quite a lot with and who's quite like me , though only about 6 inches taller.

as he phrases it " we're chuddie buddies" :D

The guy speaks better than me :) ( i accept in a public forum ). But besides all that, i Know i have a friend whom i can say what i want to, and he'll calmly listen . Thanks man for being there for me :)
I will not miss him, because same college or not, i will end up talking to him quite frequently.

but ya
to my best bud :)


Unknown said...

these r rely good......nd btw...wen is my description coming????...hope ur riting one abt me....

Varun Krishnan said...
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